Collective Volume “Rights of Young People in the EU: Law, Policies and Practices”
The results and findings of the various research activities and events have been collected in a single volume publication. The Book provides new insights concerning the law, policies and practices of the rights and life of young people in the EU. Through a multidisciplinary approach, contributors elaborate on the latest developments and upcoming challenges regarding the rights of young citizens in the EU and the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027.
Table of Contents
- Navigating the Youth Agenda: Unpacking International and EU Milestones. (Brokou Maria, Katsoulis Stefanos)
- Adolescent and young adult health in the context of universal and European conventions protecting human rights. (Naskou-Perraki Paraskevi)
- Gender and sexuality variant youth: a human rights approach. (Papadopoulou Lina)
- Requirements for financial aid for higher education studies in another Member State – the concept of social integration for non-resident students in light of recent CJEU case law. (Anagnostopoulou Despina)
- Social inclusion of young migrants and refugees: the perspective of education. (Viviani Alessandra)
- Youth and social media: GDPR and Data Protection Challenges. (Tzortzi Virginia)
- Youth and children’s environmental rights and climate litigation: challenges and opportunities. (Kalaitzis Manos:)
- Young persons with Disabilities: A Special Set of Challenges and EU’s Legal Framework. (Giasimakopoulou Artemis)
- Youth radicalization in Europe as a problem insoluble in its own terms: the need for a renewed European approach. (Gaitenidis Nikolaos)
- The role of religious education in managing diversity and formatting of tomorrow’s young active citizens: new concepts and best practices in the EU. (Albanaki Xanthi)
- Youth participation and civic engagement in decision-making processes. (Farkas Andras)
- Youth, Media Literacy and Misinformation in the era of Social Media. (Kavuklis Michael)
- The Participation of Local Communities and Young People in the Cultural Management of Declared UNESCO City-Monuments. Case Studies from Eastern Mediterranean. (Kottas Angelos)