Research Project Pillars

Research Pillar 1

Law and Human Rights Protection: ensuring equality and non-discrimination for all young people

Research Pillar 2

Youth Policies: providing for fair and sustainable implementation for the promotion of youth participation

Research Pillar 3

From Theory to Practice: fostering youth engagement for the improvement of the lives of young people

EUSYP Project in a nutshell

|EUSYP Think Tank serves as a pool of knowledge and sharing ideas on youth policies, while disseminating the Project’s outcomes|

The EU Youth Portal provides recent updates about the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 and offers young people information on opportunities in Europe and beyond.

The Youth Department of the Council of Europe and its youth programmes aim at the development of a common European cultural identity.

UN Youth Strategy 2030 is an ambitious system-wide strategy to guide the UN and its partners to work with and for young people around the world.

UNESCO fosters the engagement of youth from design to implementation of actions and youth-led initiatives, while promotes youth issues in the policy agendas.

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